• A unique organic blend of liquid amino acids and chelated minerals Intra Nutri-Mix contains a synergistic blend of organic acids, 4 different amino acids and chelated zinc and copper.
  • Supports the performance of chicks in their first week of life Intra Nutri-Mix is best used from the first day of life up to the end of the first week, with maintenance of drinking line cleanliness at least once a week with Intra Hydrocare.
  • Supports and sustains gut health during challenging periods Intra Nutri-Mix can also be used to provide support during stressful periods with significant gastrointestinal challenge such as feed transition periods or transport/transfer.
  • Contains highly bioavailable Zinc for support of gut wall integrity Intra Nutri-Mix contains chelated zinc, which is better absorbed and can assist in the up-regulation of tight junction proteins leading to reduced gut permeability, and better gut integrity.
  • Targets the 3 B's: Boost, Build, Balance

For more information www.intracare.nl